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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
"No, really!"

My Favorite Bit of Paper Cup Philosophy

The Way I See It #76

The irony of commitment is that it's deeply liberating - in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life.

Friday, June 19, 2009

What David, Michele and the Home Dudes Did

My workday did not start out happily. While brushing my teeth, the BlackBerry chirped. One of the home dudes asked the worst possible question (worst because I always know the question that will follow it - "Can I take the day off?"): "Limes, we busy today?" We are. I can't spare anyone because of the way the routes are configured today. "I have kind of a, sort of a family emergency." I told him I needed him to work, but that I'd let him get through his three short jobs and not add anything to the end of his day. "Ten four," he replied.

Half an hour later, the BlackBerry chirped as I drove to the office. Same home dude. "Limes, I don't think I can physically work today. I'm already at the office, but I can't do the work." A couple of terse exchanges along the lines of "You're killing me, home dude" and "Go home if you can't work", a couple of clipped "Ten four" transmissions, and I pulled into the parking lot. Not happy. Stomped kind of hard up the stairs in my boots. Saw my reflection in the door as I flung it open a little too hard - the jaw was sticking out pretty far . . . to see this:

Quickly rearranging my facial features, I managed a schoolgirl squeal and embarrassed them all! They'd gathered early to arrive before me and have everyone present (except today's stinker). I started the hugs, and embarrassed them worse. Asked them to pose for pictures with me - the room got deadly silent and they all looked down at their shoes . . . . it's good to be the only hen in the barnyard! Have I said that before?

Chatting later, I said that I knew we were having a BBQ, but I was surprised by the decorations. They said David had been planning for days saying, "Limes is sentimental and has this thing for dates . . . . . " Have I said that before? I have the best seat in the house. I know I've said that before!

Midday, here comes a deliveryman from Edible Arrangements - a gift from David's family personally. Look at this - I've got enough good food (truly good food, not fried Twinkies) to share with a friend! Melons, grapes, chocolate covered strawberries. . .

The BBQ was fired up, beans and potato salad from Famous Dave's, a lovely cake with a sweet inscription, kind words all around. I learned that David and Michele (the boss's boss) had sneaked back to the office last night to decorate it for me. And then . . . a presentation: greeting cards with truly lovely sentiments written by a wonderful group of people, a Barnes & Noble gift card and some cold hard cash. I'm tellin' ya, I'm just exactly where I am supposed to be!

In my ears right now: the sound of laughter. After we ate, Matt and Cesar brought Pedro the boar out of the barn to join the festivities.

Something that charmed me today: the whole day. Better than a birthday - I didn't have to get older.


  1. Very sweet. Congrats on 2 years!

  2. You had a great thing happen to you today. I'm so pleased for you!

  3. What a wonderful surprise. It sounds like a great place to work. :-)

  4. Hey all of you followers, thank you! What a day it was. I e-mailed someone yesterday that I felt a bit like a princess. Today I feel more like a crone, but the memories are pretty sweet. I walked into the office this morning and Matt was chawing down on a cold, raw Hebrew National dog. Cesar had cake on a napkin and was alternating bites of it with sips of coffee . . . the stinker from yesterday roared off in his car after conferring with David on the BlackBerry re: messing up Limes Appreciation Day . . . and I'm right here at Mission Control. Again.

  5. Hey, bucket trucks, yes - I will go take a look. Thanks for the encouragement! I wonder how in the world you found me? I mean, I am pretty cognizant of where all the other 'tend friends have found me, but you're a mystery. Appreciate your comments. I'm only 3 weeks into blogging, so it's nice to hear nice things.
