About Me

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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
"No, really!"

My Favorite Bit of Paper Cup Philosophy

The Way I See It #76

The irony of commitment is that it's deeply liberating - in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Season's Greetings ~ Secret Revealed

Over the river

And through the woods

To Grandmother's house we go...

The horse knows the way
to carry the sleigh

Through the white and drifted snow . . .

Wishing my followers and readers a happy, healthy, prosperous 2010.

Love, Limes


Virginia Woolf

Bloomsbury and Benson and friends

My special holiday request of my followers and readers: In 2010, please stop calling me Limes or LimesNow. My name is Leslie, dammit. And "Les" to my friends. That little disclosure is my gift to myself. :~}

All photo credits except Bloomsbury and Benson Bird, Gino and Fausto BadgerBirds: J. D. Morehouse


  1. Hi Les, A pleasure to make your acquaintance!

  2. Hi, Tag ~ Right back at ya. I'm glad you boarded my bus. I'll punch your ticket now. You buying a pass for 2010?

  3. Yay Leslie and merry merry to you and yours!

  4. Thank you, Erin ~ happy holidays to you and your lovely family. A package is on its way to Broadview Heights as I type this. Wonder what it could be?

  5. Funny how the anonymity of the web seems less important as we settle into a blogging routine. Pleased to make your acquaintance Leslie!


  6. Mark! Who knew? ;~} Thank you for sharing that. Thank you for being one of the commenters on my first post. Best holiday wishes to you and TOB. It's very good to know you.

  7. pleased to meet you, leslie! i'm looking forward to 2010's blogging bonanza!

  8. Merry Christmas, Leslie. I love the photos you chose to go with the song.

  9. @ SOMH and Kass-erole ~ Happy holidays, ladies. Thank you for popping in. Kass, thank you for noticing and commenting. I was afraid nobody got my little desert version of Currier & Ives. Wahhh. What if I was clever and no one noticed? :~{ So now that my name is out, Kass, I can tease about how startled you were that nobody, but nobody calls me Limes for any reason other than to tease about my blog.

  10. What were you doing UP @ 2:38 this morning?

  11. Oh, Celluloid Stalker, you busted me! No matter my good intentions, I'm still a Christmas Nazi. If it's time stamped 2:38 in your zone, it was 1:38 in mine. I confess: I arrived at Wal-Mart a little after 2:30 a.m., completed my list within 30 minutes, paid, went home and got all of my walking miles completed in time to come to work. Purpose of the shopping outing? Albondigas for solstice dinner, by special request.

  12. You DO realize that Celluloid Stalker is ME, don't you?

  13. Merry belated Christmas, Les.

    (By the name, you're real name is on your company's web site. It's a secret I've been keeping all this time)

  14. Thank you, Kirk ~ happy holidays! Yes, it hasn't been impossible to learn my real name. I've just never been so forthright with it.

  15. @ Kass ~ I knew as soon as I looked at your mother's photo. Plus I knew how you do the blog for Greg, so I recognized your pattern. Pretty good for a 'tend friend, huh? The Badger and I were chuckling about it over the weekend.

  16. My friend the tarantula looks strong enough to pull the sleigh anywhere he wants to!

  17. You be careful what you say, Badge. Given as many tarantulas as we know, if word gets out that this one is your pick for strong, the others could get unruly.
