I'm enjoying my book. I'm enjoying the shlock I play on TV as white noise. I'm enjoying plying a needle, thread, sewing machine and surgical instruments as I begin to explore the most modest examples of creativity. I did not particularly enjoy my small foray into job-seeking last week. Mostly I got scammed, spammed and disrespected. That was by the potential employers who didn't simply ignore me. Now, I am not going to starve to death this week, but I need to make some changes for all manner of reasons. I'd even done the old "reach out and contact every past business associate you know". The results were less than overwhelming. Readers, I am not yet a perfect person. Nope. I still get angry and resentful. If we add some intoxicating substances to my anger and resentment, we get fireworks, but we're not going to do that on a weekday afternoon in the sunshine. Instead, I sat thinking of some smarty-ass things I could say to a particular man, like "Hey, when you said 'Let's get together and talk again soon about some options' I assumed that would mean within the same season of the year!" Or something. That's productive, and conducive to landing some work, eh? No, I didn't do it. And I chewed my own butt through several miles of walking for being so hateful, so small. It is a good lesson for me to hold my tongue. I can be impulsive, to my own detriment.

Wednesday morning, I fairly flew up the stairs on the back of the building to the upper deck. There were the heavy double doors, and I could see David inside with his partner, George. I leapt across the deck, grinning, and was met with "Look at you!" We met at length about a project unlike any writing I've ever tackled. Ever the office monkey, I took copious notes. I asked the long list of questions I'd brought with me. Finally, I said, "OK, I believe I understand what you want." David dug in his pocket and gave me a sizable amount of cash in advance for expenses. "What else do you need?" I couldn't think of a thing. "I take it you want me to do this from home?" They do, and encouraged frequent breaks in the pool or walking. George's style is different from David's and he hasn't worked as closely with me because I was always attached to A1 Carpet Care. He began to suggest and direct. "She knows what to do, George. Let it happen." And then, "Leslie, you'll have to let us know what amount is fair and we will pay it. We want you to get a chunk o' change for this." Oh, boy. "You look great, Les!"
David had me stay behind and he grilled me about every aspect of life. Where and how was I living, what was my medical condition, what was I doing with my time, what were the challenges, what did tomorrow hold? I told it all, unvarnished and unabashedly. It was the right thing to do. For, you see, I am employed again with every imaginable accommodation needed to make my life move forward positively. He offered, and I gratefully accepted, some assists that no person expects any other human being to provide. I wasn't even embarrassed to be in such need.

I'm too excited to start the project. I've jumped around the internet like a flea on a hot griddle trying to start my research. It's not going to happen for a few hours. I am grinning, pinching myself, and I stopped at a favored store near the office on my way home. I haven't visited it since July. I left love notes on the windshields of the homes who have already called to say, "YAY!" It's been a very good day. And yes, I'll be writing more about my assignment!
In my ears right now: The sound of my face stretching as I grin bigger.
Big congratulations to you!! :D Long time coming. :)
ReplyDelete@ Matt ~ Thanks so much! I'm so happy I could screech and I believe I will now.
ReplyDeleteAnd I didn't find that particularly corny.
@ Kirk ~ I thank you so much and appreciate your high corn tolerance. Sometimes when I am simply being earnest and sincere, people begin to exchange glances and I think, "What?"
ReplyDeleteI am so excited and happy for you!
ReplyDeleteCan we have details on the project?
@ Cramcake ~ Happy, happy, joy, joy - oh, yes! I'll be telling all about it. So far I am learning some vocabulary that is new to me and trying to decide if I need to accept the generous offer of a research assistant volunteer. I'm not yet sure what I'd do with her. Just learning the ropes.
ReplyDeleteYippeee! So happy for you! :-)
ReplyDeleteWV: revedn
You're revedn and ready to go!
@ Doozyanner ~ I surely thank you! You're right - I'm all revedn up.
ReplyDeleteThat's great news, Congratulations, Les!
@ Numinosity ~ I am so excited, Kim! I'm sitting up in the wee hours starting my research.
ReplyDeleteLeslie I couldn't be more happy for you ...hurray !!........xxx
ReplyDelete@ Artymess ~ YAY!! I'm giddy. And already BUSY!
ReplyDeleteSounds very exciting and you fairly jump off the screen with excitement and the happiness of being shown some humanity. And, don't forget, people want you to work for them becuase you are good at what you do, Les.
@ Rachel ~ I'm flying 2 feet off the ground with excitement! I an so hunbled and grateful to David. Yes, I know he wants me because he appreciates my good work. But some people would have said, "Even she isn't worth waiting for any more." He waited and watched. And when I earned a chance, he gave it. I'm not so accustomed to that. Thank you so very much!
ReplyDelete'some people would have said, "Even she isn't worth waiting for any more." ' - some people don't recognise a good thing or wait for it to learn it's good itself. Onwards!
ReplyDelete@ Rachel ~ You're right! I'm moving onward and upward. I've been hurt in life by loved ones who don't recognize that as long as there are humans in the mix, renewal can occur. But some people DO recognize that, and I'm moving on.
ReplyDeleteI'm late, this is GREAT. I am impressed as hell, but not at all surprised. You got the stuff, kiddo.
ReplyDelete@ Tag ~ It's NEVER late on blogging. I mean that. I am so excited, as you can well imagine! Sometimes I think I've got the stuff and sometimes I don't. I guess we're going to find out. My head is clear, my learning curve is sharp. I've actually got some words written already!